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A tool providing TAs with student-driven, anonymous feedback that will give insight to actual student needs

Throughout a course of 10 weeks (HCDE 318: Introduction to User-Centered Design), we have built an application called E.val to teaching and learning experiences for both teaching assistants and students. 

Problem Statement

Vision Statement


We aim to address the disconnection between TAs and students along with other 3 problems: a lack of space to provide anonymous feedback at all times, a lack of tools for TAs to improve their teaching abilities by tracking progresses and most importantly a lack of insight to student needs. 

Our tool will allow students and TAs to work together to improve the classroom learning experience by providing TAs with student-driven, anonymous feedback that will give insight to actual student needs. This will help shed light on opportunities for growth and help TAs improve their performance in the classroom to better serve their students. 

The solution that we have designed is a hybrid between a discussion forum and your standard UW course evaluations. This solution is very simple, lightweight and designed with students’ and TAs’ busy lives in mind. For the student, our applications designs for both various levels of engagements ranging from writing a new review themselves to simply upvoting or downvoting others’ feedbacks. For TAs, feedbacks are sorted based on teaching categories or by sections, helping them contextualize the student concern. TAs are able to use student feedback as inspiration for weekly goals. At the end of the week, an evaluation survey is sent out to the students to see how the TAs measure up.






We are Team Capptivate, and we are formed by 4 undergraduates at the University of Washington.

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